Abundance Mindset
To begin the conversation of abundance, let’s clarify the definition of both a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset:
Shifting from scarcity to an abundance mindset doesn’t happen from something outside of you.
The shift to abundance happens when you embrace gratitude, improve your self-talk, shift limiting beliefs, utilize affirmations, believe in unlimited opportunities, practice generosity, shift comparison, speak positively, etc.
Finding Abundance is possible within yourself, within your wardrobe, and within your relationships. Let’s dive deeper into what that would look like in each area:
Abundance of self
What does abundance of self look like?
Genuinely, wholeheartedly from the core of your soul having your own back, showing up for yourself, doing the work to be your best friend, loving yourself unconditionally, and speaking to yourself with love, positivity, and encouragement. When you have abundance of self, you ooze self-love from your pores. Your cup is full to the brim with your own love, support and attention.
How do you receive this level of abundance?
Shift negative self talk. Speak to yourself the way your highest self would; your biggest, most powerful cheerleader.
Set boundaries within yourself. Identify what habits and behaviours are pulling you away from yourself. Shift the focus to fulfilling what you need vs what you want.
Release the victim mentality. Take accountability for the role you played in your life experiences and lean into the lessons of these experiences.
Shift from external gratification to internal gratification. Understand that you already have everything you need inside of yourself.
Be open to change. Be inspired by others’ success instead of becoming jealous or envious. Lean into the inner work instead of running away from it.
Embrace your truth & essence. Stop sacrificing yourself to make others more comfortable. Stop shrinking yourself, quieting yourself, watering yourself down and instead show up in your true, unapologetic authenticity.
Finding abundance of self isn’t necessarily a linear journey. Chances are, at some point, you’re going to fall off the wagon. But instead of falling off and saying, “Well … we tried. It didn’t work”, you instead need to pick up where you left off. Time and time and time again, you need to pick it back up and carry on stronger and better equipped than the last time.
Abundance in Wardrobe
What does abundance in wardrobe look like?
Feeling gratitude for what you own and seeing countless possibilities for styling your clothing. Walking into your closet space and feeling a sense of excitement and inspiration to put an outfit together. An outfit that’s aligned with you, and outfit you feel good in, comfortable in, excited to show up in. Looking at your closet and saying, “wow, look at all the beautiful pieces that I own! Sure I can always bring in more pieces, but what I have is enough. I have what I need and I’m excited to use them.”
Finding abundance in wardrobe is the basis, purpose, and result of Wardrobe Revival. This experience creates the opportunity for you to evaluate your current wardrobe and gain clarity on which pieces are in alignment with you and your personal style and which pieces are missing from your space. From there, it’s about using your pieces in fresh, new ways; styling them differently, thinking outside of the box, looking at them from a different perspective, and allowing you to own an exciting, abundant wardrobe.
In contrast, scarcity in the wardrobe would look like: “I hate my clothes”, “I have nothing to wear”, constantly and compulsively buying new things, trying to keep up with the Joneses.
Pssst… Can I let you in on something real quick? The Joneses can’t even keep up with the Joneses!
Keeping up with trends and owning a wardrobe that is updated and relevant is possible in a way that makes sense for YOU and is in alignment with YOU. Firstly, by figuring out what your personal style IS. This allows you to gain discernment for which trendy items align with you and which ones you can leave on the table. My rule of thumb? If you look at a new piece and it feels overwhelmingly exciting to own it, BUY IT!
But, chances are you have a wardrobe that is already overflowing with beautiful, transitional pieces.
Do you really need to buy more? Or instead, do you need to evaluate what you have, clarify what you actually need, and look into styling your items in fresh, new ways?
Abundance in Relationships (romantic, platonic & familial)
What does abundance in relationships look like?
Surrounding yourself with people who love, celebrate and accept you for the person that you are. People who cheer for your success with love and pride. People who inspire you and hold you accountable. People who respect your boundaries. People who show up for you with love, kindness, and compassion. People who leave you feeling fuller after you interact with them. Having abundance in your relationships means that the people in your corner are TRULY your people.
On the flip side, scarcity in relationships looks like surrounding yourself with people who make you feel lesser. People who want to shrink you to fit into a box they think you should be in, who want to change you, who water you down, who don’t embrace your authenticity, who don’t respect your boundaries, who don’t cheer for your growth and success.
You’re living in a place of scarcity in your relationships when you spend your time, energy, and attention on relationships that do not nourish you. The longer you give your time and attention away to people out of alignment, the longer you’re preventing yourself from receiving people who are. You’re giving your time, energy and attention away by creeping their social media, being in love with their potential, wishing they would change, talking about them to others, etc. Even if you’ve cut them off, you’re still keeping yourself intertwined with them through these behaviours.
But when you set your boundaries, focus on yourself and your healing, decide that you DESERVE nourishing relationships, that you’re WORTHY of them, and you create the space to receive them; that’s when the abundance will flow to you.
Think about it this way: let’s pretend your life is a basketball game. You’re on the court doing your thing, and the people occupying the front row seats are getting that up-close and personal experience to your life. If there are people occupying front row seats who don’t nourish you, don’t support you, haggle you, throw popcorn on the court - they’re distracting you from greatness. They are taking you away from yourself. Having these people occupy a front row seat to your life means you’re taking a seat away from someone who will actually love and celebrate you. Now, let’s say you escort these undeserving occupants to the nosebleeds (where they belong). Sure, they can still haggle you and throw the popcorn, but they’re too far away from your greatness to have any effect on you! You’ve removed their proximity to you. Not only that, but now that they’re gone, you have created a vacancy in your front row for people who will genuinely cheer for you. You’ve created the space for the abundance to flow and be received.
As long as you’re entertaining people who don’t nourish you, you’re blocking the ability to receive abundance in your relationships because the abundance has nowhere to land.
Evaluate the people you have welcomed into your space. The people who are sitting in the front row of your life. See them for who they ACTUALLY are; not who you think they could be or who they used to be or how long you’ve known them. See them for what they really bring to the table. Whether they respect your boundaries, cheer you on, want to see you grow and flourish. Now ask yourself: Does everyone who has a front row seat in your life deserve it? If the answer is no, it’s time to make some shifts.
Making the shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset can be overwhelming. I encourage you to pick one area and start. To ask for help. To take accountability. To be patient and be compassionate with yourself and remember: what is for you will NEVER miss you.